No, just conservative and commenting on the obvious. Why all of the excuses. This victim status is really annoying. She was a predator on the elderly and now, she's the victim. Beam me up!
I doubt he felt victimized.
Now she is DEAD
This means that she has gone to face the only judge that really matters. He doesn't need your help in sorting things out, and is FAR more aware of A.N.Smith's failures and rebellions than you will ever be.
Another way of saying it is that you should exhibit some restraint and fear God yourself, since you will, as will I, shortly face the same Maker and judge as she.
Ms. Smith was at one time a beautiful child who brought joy to someone. That she squandered the treasure of the image of God within her and became very very ugly is not something I have ever heard challenged. However, there is a reason why in the past, folks did not speak ill of dead people. I think the above is that reason. My opinion is that we should recycle that idea.