To: spectre
Howard Stern was in the room when both Daniel and Anna died. He CLAIMS he is married to Anna and he CLAIMS the baby is his.When asked who was in the room in the room I thought the police spokesman said that the bodyguard and a nurse were in the room with Anna. Didn't say Stern was. hmmm
595 posted on
02/08/2007 2:17:35 PM PST by
To: Chena
They said they don't know where he is right now --- my bet is he is on his way back to Bahama's to grab that baby.
To: Chena
I heard someone from the hotel say that Stern was "there", presumably meaning, at the hotel with her.
To: Chena; Arizona Carolyn
I had heard on one report that Howard was indeed in the room, but now I don't know since there are conflicting reports.
I would make book that "Dannilynn" is NOT Howards child.
633 posted on
02/08/2007 2:23:20 PM PST by
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