Oh, yeah, WF. Also, the OU QB who is my age was from Abilene Cooper (Mildren). Bet you remember the Oil Bowl games? JC was around your time.
Oh my, I just saw a friend's name on one of the OK teams from back then and I never knew he had played FB! He was a QB for an OK team in the Oil Bowl. How neat.
Well, you were certainly in the trenches and I know that any one of those N TX HS teams could've played OU and scored on them. Like our Red-White game in the spring when the old-timers play!
Tonight's' game was a corker...loved to see the SEC/Florida come out on top. Next to the SEC I love to see the old members of the SWC do well as well as Oklahoma. When it comes to Texas versus Oklahoma...well I am with Oklahoma. I went on to Tennessee and after a ten year stint in the USAF & graduated from U of Tenn.
Good Luck Next Year!! Congratulations Florida!!Goodnight...