To: Calpernia
" The Manhattan Institute was a speck on the margins of the city's political landscape when it opened in 1978, promoting the un-New Yorkerish notions of free-market economics, conservative values and the dismantling of the welfare state."
One question "Why are they promoting a far left winger?".
5 posted on
01/03/2007 11:27:47 AM PST by
("Remember the Alamo, Goliad and WACO, It is Time for a new San Jacinto")
To: HuntsvilleTxVeteran
Maybe Rudy's not as far left-wing as some on FR would like to imply.
9 posted on
01/03/2007 11:45:24 AM PST by
("Friends stab you from the front." -- Oscar Wilde)
To: HuntsvilleTxVeteran
I think the point is to make a far left winger look conservative.
Its not good, when he has to hire someone to HELP him be appealing to the right.
24 posted on
02/10/2007 1:03:30 PM PST by
(Just say NO to Rudy "Tootsie" Giuliani-GO Duncan Hunter 08...HI MOM:)) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson