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To: Wonder Warthog; IncPen; rlmorel; Logophile

Books are different than video. However Books are in libraries. It is obviously not stealing to go to a library.

In a way the internet is a library as well. Thus why is it "stealing" if you access the same thing to read/view on the internet? What is the difference? I see none.

Other material not available in a library is in a different category. But then it is copyright infringement not stealing. I deprive you of nothing by copying a movie on the internet. No property has changed hands. Study after study has shown that people that see/hear material on the internet are far more likely to buy that material than had they only seen advertising. After all no one can possibly buy what they do not know about. Without getting the word out you have no income. There are an increasing number of people never exposed to advertising. They surf the Web and don't watch TV or pay attention to adds on the internet. I am in this category. I watch TV but surf during commercials. Just how are we supposed to know something exist?

If the DRM people get their way they may make more money for a short time but they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg. VCR's have made far more for the TV industry through sales of Video Tapes/DVD/s than they ever began to cost in lost add revenue (which never happened). DRM was forced out of the MP3 market for a large part. Yet music sales went up. I can download movies on the internet but you better believe I pay to see them in a theater if they are worth seeing. But I quit NetFlix two years ago because there are so very few good movies any more. It the game to make bad movies but use DRM to get more money?

DRM flies in the face of everything that makes America Great. Totally enforced only a very few would ever have a chance to sell anything. This crowd would make writing a song and giving it away (to get noticed) illegal. They would force you to pay every time you listened to a song or watched a movie.

Every attempt at DRM has failed and this will as well. I pray it takes Microsoft down with it. Then we might get PC's that actually worked for us instead of Sony, Microsoft, etc. I hate it when Microsoft decides to reboot my computer even though I have done everything I can to deny them this ability.

132 posted on 12/24/2006 7:36:35 PM PST by ImphClinton (Four More Years Go Bush)
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To: ImphClinton
"... deprive you of nothing by copying a movie on the internet..."

I disagree.

133 posted on 12/24/2006 7:49:19 PM PST by rlmorel (Islamofacism: It is all fun and games until someone puts an eye out. Or chops off a head.)
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To: ImphClinton
"Books are different than video. However Books are in libraries. It is obviously not stealing to go to a library."

Uh, they're trying to do EXACTLY the same DRM stuff with "electronic books", which is why that has never taken off (and is exactly what Jim Baen proved with his "Free Library" was not necessary).

And there is these things called "Blockbuster" and "Netflix" that do exactly for video what a library does for books.

141 posted on 12/25/2006 3:54:05 AM PST by Wonder Warthog (The Hog of Steel-NRA)
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