Cultural Crusader ping. Anyone want on or off this low volume ping list for Michael Medved (mainly articles/movie reviews), please send me an FR mail.
Eveningstar; hitmanLV; grame; swake; bitt; shoot this thing; right in east lansing; itsamelman; softballmom; libertarianizethegop; conservative4life; abby4116; justiceseeker93; rushcrush; usafearsnobody; headsonpikes; tiggs; rahbert; bradyls; latina4dubya; missmarmelstein; kevindavis; sinkspur; goppachyderm; csm; Owl_Eagle; varmintxer; gopwinsin04; woofie; mnehrling; navynucmom; hattend; LibertyLee; 76834; jeremiah; pollyannaish; nuclady; Unrepentant VN Vet; La Enchiladita; Sensei Ern; Jo Nuvark; sofaman; HonestConservative
Simplest theory that I can come up with is that Gibson is mouthing this crap line in penance to the media and Hollyweird liberal establishment.
....which is ironic since, IMHO, the Mayans and Hollywood probably have more similarities than any other segment of society.
Thank you!