Babu, you may want to know that one of us has a very long list with links to the proof of the times that GE lied, accused FReepers of things they provably didn't do, misrepresented the postings of another FReeper in order to slander him (IMNSHO, the two most egregious offenses), switched subjects to avoid a losing position, and plain did not know the subject as well as he claimed.
Which is fine by me, since I am very secure in my knowledge of these issues
Like nmap and the infamous Russian hacker Fyodor? You did not know of one of the most famous tools in security/hacking, and bought that the famous American white-hat hacker Fyodor was Russian, just because of his name.
Which you never post because it proves you are the liars and exposes your endless support for leftists and foreign hackers.
the infamous Russian hacker Fyodor
There you go again, glorifying your favorite foreign hackers like always. If it's foreign, and it's a hacker, you can bet your last dollar antiRepublican here will be glorifying it.