What I was originally commenting on was the reactions by some here on the board of the "Kill them all" and let God sort them out mentality
On this you are of course correct. In fact that mentality is precisely the opposite of my position. We hold individuals, not groups, responsible. A religion, no matter how repulsive it may be to some, is neither a race nor is it a political organization, but something different, in a category all its own. It appeals to emotions, not logic, to the spiritual, not the material. Yet one CHOOSES to become part of that religion, so when one commits an atrocity, the perpetration is the sin, not being part of a religion.
At the same time, we cannot be willfully ignorant of what certain religions, or religious figures, are teaching anymore than we can ignore what military leaders are telling their soldiers, just because we want to be nice people. We owe it to our children and to the memories of those who founded this nation to preserve it using all legal means against actual, not imagined, enemies. Just because someone worships the same way a terrorist does doesn't make them a terrorist, anymore than a pro-lifer is one with the killer who shot abortion clinic doctors.
We have to deal justice to the actual perpetrators of crimes; hate or hateful thoughts about the US are not crimes. But we can't deny that new cliche that all Muslims aren't terrorists, but the terrorists we're dealing with are Muslims--that's just the truth, no matter how it makes one feel.