Explain how watching out for those who would kill us because of their religion is "racism"? I never said one word--not one--about "all Muslims" yet you are using this as an opportunity to climb back on your soap box and tell us all in your self-righteousness how YOU're not a racist. Yeah, that's nice--what does race have to do with MY point, which was that we don't excuse people because of beliefs they were taught once they become adults?
We must show the rest of the world and Muslim society what is the appropriate way to behave in a democratic Republic if we expect them to accept our form of government.
How is holding people responsible for their own individual actions opposed to that?
If we as a society show to the rest of the world that their is no possibility of living together with Muslims then they have no reason whatsoever to even think about changing, "Might as well fight, they hate us all anyway".
Your fervor is getting in the way of your reading ability. Please cut and paste where I said ANYTHING pertaining to "living with Muslims" other than that they should be treated as we treat ALL people--as individuals in the eyes of the law.
We have to be better than our enemy. Again, racism is NEVER justified, not according to my God.
I challenge you to cut and paste any racist comment I made. If you can't do so, I expect your God has something to say about bearing false witness, and you will promptly apologize for such a vile insinuation.
And in the future, try reading what I wrote, not what you want me to have written so you could reiterate that you're not a racist, the frequency of your declaration of such is rather odd.
I guess the Pope is a "racist"?
You're creating a straw man. The issue is NOT 'racism'. The issue is islam. Be they Chechnians, Albanians, Marin County-ians, or Middle Eastern. Yes, praise the LORD that most mohammedans are 'poor followers' of their book. They are good folks, good neighbors, and as upright as any. The problem is that they claim to adhere to a book that requires them to convert, kill, or enslave (or to support those that do).
You say that you are a Christian. Good for you. As you know, most Christians are Christians in name only. They don't read God's Word (the Bible), nor attempt to walk in the Way (love your neighbor; where possible live at peace with all; and bring the Gospel). But they are dormant, and if they are blessed with the Spirit they will bring forth light to the world. Contrast this against those that claim the koran as their 'book'. Most don't read it, but IF these awaken from their dormancy their guidelines are death and mayhem (aka, 'Sudden Jihadi Syndrome').
You do a disservice to all, and particularly to our muslim brothers and sisters, by pretending this issue does not exist. Maybe we don't bludgeon them by pointing out the darkness contained in the koran -- but at least bring them the light of the Gospel, and pray and hope that they can connect the dots.