Posted on 08/28/2006 12:37:23 PM PDT by Fawn
Any cop with a brain is going call for an immediate search
of the area...not "babysit" the Ramseys while waiting for
a phone call. They were just plain stupid and gave the
perp the time he needed.
IMO if he's put in with the GP it's a life sentence.
I wonder if he has "stuff" there - maybe not furniture, but "belongings." If that's his home, he'll have to go back - and he has those gender re-assignment surgeries to complete, if he'll start dressing as a woman today to fulfill the requirements.
LOL, they'll have to send him to ... which is it? Chowchilla? The women's prison.
I don't know. A bunch of them *were* - back when it was "important" - a couple of hours ago, lol. Those 80-90 pages are probably in the shredder now.
I doubt anyone wants to waste their time and energy on it - but wait, Keenan does have some enemies. I can think of 1-2 media people who might see the project through - but the attorney costs are kinda high just to see what lies this punk told Tracey and others.
Could you cite some legal basis for that statement?
California law is in effect in the entire state of California. Depending on the circumstances, child pornography can be a felony.
This might be where I read it. It seems that someone else heard something about Thailand having sex crimes charges against him. Maybe I read what he read. I didn't make it up. :o)
The jerk will probably get a book deal of this mess just for good measure.
My mistake, there was a lawyer friend in the home at the time.
But I dispute the idea that John was oblivious. Some people compartmentalize their greif and panic and do what needs doing. JR was criticized for that too.
Perhaps that "non-verbal communication" was JR realizing Arndt was useless as he watched her mind "explode".
Supposedly, the house had been searched by two officers before Linda Arndt arrived at 8 am. And apparently no search was done with a parent in tow to ascertain that every possible hiding place was searched in such a large house.
Just sloppy work, no matter how it's sliced.
I know - 50 people posting it over and over again on this thread still didn't make it a correct statement.
Loony Toons confess and insert themselves into murder cases. They just do. So many are wanting there to be a logical reason *why* someone would confess.
How would we know? We don't think like that, so we can't imagine it. He's KooKoo for CoCoPuffs.
I would think the tabloids would want it. It'll sell papers for months.
I wonder if the police thoroughly checked out the alibi of all 300 employees at his company in Boulder. From the ransom note, that would appear to be the first place to start looking.
Dang, me too. Those AI threads are always a hoot!
Before you know it ...
Why are they not also excluded by the dna?
No, no lawyer was in the house when JonBenet's body was found.
John had already treated her as though she were invisible. He and Patsy were too good to talk to blue-collar police officers. They'd hire their own army of cops, John said. He actually wanted to hire the Russian Army and seal off the city.
That's how "out in the ether" they were at the time in their "money can buy anything" little world of megalomania they lived in. Not everyone who has a lot of money thinks or acts that way.
Why should it bother you? She was elected (I presume) to her job as county DA and has not engaged in any illegal conduct that should get her kicked out, to the best of my knowledge.
You wouldn't want a DA with a 100% conviction rate, because that would mean something terribly wrong with the criminal justice system in her jurisdiction: that the cases were all rigged against defendants.
At she got her two weeks worth of national publicity, even if it ended in some embarrassment.
They did. That was the next layer out. The perp was obviously pointing away from him or herself, as perps are known to do.
Anyone who watched his exist interview from Thailand HEARD him..What were we to conclude?
John: "I loved JonBenet, and she died accidentally," he said.
Asked if he was an innocent man, Karr replied, "No."
Karr also had told an American investigator he had drugged Ramsey and sexually assaulted her before accidentally killing her, said a Thai police official, Gen. Suwat Thamrongsrisakul.
Karr asked police what charges he was facing, Thamrongsrisakul said. When police replied first-degree murder, Karr said: "No, it's second-degree -- it wasn't intentional."
He sure didn't try and deflect his guilt, now did he? Quite the opposite.
Mary Lacy might think there really is undisclosed evidence in there - and if there *really* is, it's not a good idea to let it out.
Obviously, you didn't follow this as close as some of you wouldn't know that it wasn't true. You certainly aren't alone there..No big deal :)
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