I'm afraid I no longer qualify for this one as I have not been conscious for quite some time. I think the AI systems in this computer are applying microvoltages to the keycaps to interrupt the normal processing of my CNS so I sit at the computer and LOOK like I'm working. They maintain the illusion by occasionally turning out some b!tchin' code and status reports and by randomly sending emails, posting to FR topics, etc.
I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish, but even if I figure it out they have me completely under their spell. I only break out for lucid moments every now and then but they always regain control somehow. Unless the janitor knocks me out of my chair I'm afraid it's
A man came home from work early one day, and found his wife naked and panting on the bed. "Honey," she said, thinking quickly, "I think I'm having a heart attack!" While rushing to call the doctor, he nearly stumbled over his crying four year old, who told him there was a naked man in the closet. He ran to the closet, opened the door, and there was his best friend. "Damn it, Dave" he shouted, "Jill's having a heart attack and here you are scaring the hell out of the kids!"