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To: mom4kittys
I don't shoot my neighbors cats with anything but a water hose. It doesn't even slow the little @ss holes down. I've spent money I didn't have in extra fencing and politely asked them to just put bells on their cats. They do nothing. Meanwhile while lovely summer evenings in my tiny yard are ruined by the sound of the cats killing small animals that I have set out food for. Cat owners seem to think that THEIR pet should have free range of the neighborhood. Not only does my dog not run free, but when I walk him I clean up after him. As soon as I meet a cat owner that is that responsible I will die of shock. My dog is not in their yard killing things. Why should their cat be in mine? For what it's worth I think the older lady should not have called the police but it seems the kids parents have the same attitude towards him that they did towards the cat. They let them both impose on others and feel justified. I pity the child and the lady.
161 posted on 08/23/2006 10:08:18 PM PDT by BruceysMom (I'm hot & not in a good way: menopause ain't for sissies)
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To: BruceysMom

Gee, do you clean up after these small animals that you set food out for? I'm sure you are able to contain them within property lines so they don't make "deposits" on your neighbors yards. That is about as ridiculous as thinking you can contain a cat within property lines. A cat is not a dog. I also know that dogs can kill small animals such as squirrels and bitds in their own yard if given the opportunity.

162 posted on 08/23/2006 11:09:12 PM PDT by mom4kittys (If velvet could sing, it would sound like Josh Groban)
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To: BruceysMom

Besides, you don't have to clean up after a cat. They dig a hole to do their business and then they cover it up. I've never see a dog do this or any other animal for that matter,

163 posted on 08/23/2006 11:32:33 PM PDT by mom4kittys (If velvet could sing, it would sound like Josh Groban)
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To: BruceysMom
Meanwhile while lovely summer evenings in my tiny yard are ruined by the sound of the cats killing small animals that I have set out food for.

You are feeding wild animals and have the nerve to complain about your neighbors?

184 posted on 08/26/2006 9:22:00 PM PDT by stands2reason (ANAGRAM for the day: Socialist twaddle == Tact is disallowed)
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