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To: ableLight
I think what everyone is trying to say here...albeit that your theory doesn't wash with even the known facts. Most of us aren't LE, but simply people who try to pay attention to how things really work and look at primary source material as closely as possible.

Welcome to Free Republic, btw. Your first post certainly generated a lot of response! Hang in there. I've learned a lot from many great researchers and careful thinkers on this site. It can be rough sometimes, but the rewards are great.

You are right about facts "being hard to tell." I figure that the most important thing I can do is just always remember that the media is really, really screwed up and usually wrong. Start from there and you keep yourself out of trouble. : D.
99 posted on 08/20/2006 11:31:24 AM PDT by pollyannaish
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To: pollyannaish

Thank you for the welcome. Again, you may be right. I'm not holding religiously to anything contrary to established fact. I think part of what is weird about this case is there is a lot about it we still don't know. All that public evidence I alluded to could be explained in a totally different scenario if we add in facts unknown to this point (like, she was kidnapped and killed outside the home).

As for the gentle hints, in the end they're all opinions anyway so that doesn't bother me. They're opinions because we don't know what happened yet. It could go either way. It is well taken but it doesn't convince me of one theory over another.

The facts I alluded to are not disputed and are all well-documented in primary sources. I think the issue some readers may have has more to do with the believability of the scenario I put those facts into. That's fair game, but it still doesn't prove one theory over another. It's just their assessment of human nature and what people are or are not likely to do in a given situation.

For my part I am fully open to learning and to accepting a different scenario as more evidence for one comes my way. As I said, I'm not vested in any one view or another. I think others are.

That's just my two cents.

109 posted on 08/20/2006 11:47:16 AM PDT by ableLight
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