How can Darwin possibly share the blame for 11 million deaths done by someone who lived 100 years later.
That's like blaming the first Catholic Pope for the Inquisition that happened hundreds of years later or maybe white people today should pay for reparations from what white people did 150 years ago?
Same logic applies
I agree that the evolutionary principles drove Hitler evil mind to slaughter millions of people, but Hitler is responsible for his own actions.
So I take it your next post will be in support of reparations?
Your failure to see the ideology to be the cause and to falsely blame the people who founded that ideology shows you arent thinking it through.
The fist Pope didnt start the inquisition, but Catholicism sure did.
Darwin never spoke to Hitler, but evolutionary thinking sure did. Marx, too, and that means Stalin, too, and Mao, and Pol Pot and since Evolutio is what feeds liberalism and Non-Biblical belief, it feeds the liberals and democrats, too.