Sheesh. Free Republic is a "back corner"? You position is both illogical and inaccurate. The vast majority of voters do not say to themselves "Nicole Kidman thinks/votes thus and so, so I will too." Let's have more faith in democracy and our fellow voters.
Hollywood is historically leftist and votes Democrat overwhelmingly. Julia Roberts' comment about the word "republican" appearing between "reptile" and "repugnant" in the dictionary is the level of political sophistication of most Hollywood types. Do you really want to applaud them and accord their opinions more highly?
"They get heard more easily that we do as we type away in the back corners of the Internet. This can only be good. And their message is on target!"
Sheesh. Free Republic is a "back corner"? You position is both illogical and inaccurate. The vast majority of voters do not say to themselves "Nicole Kidman thinks/votes thus and so, so I will too."
Sorry fella, but indeed they have a voice the resonates accross America in ways we can not. They aren't the whole, but definitely a part of the sum of the whole. i.e., everything helps!
And remember, for the terrorists, 90% of the war is a propaganda war thru the media. Hollywood does hold a big slice of that media!