I can tell you in murder investigations what is in the public record is not what is in the actual police files, coroners files or even judicial files until an arrest and actual trial takes place. Holdback evidence is a common tactic used by every law enfocement agency across the world.
Her autopsy report is public record, as they are in most states, however you'll notice the tox report is not included. I'm talking the full-blow, sample of blood, urine, stomach and intestional fluids, eye fluid, brain and spinal fluid etc that are sent for further toxocology study. It's very probably and extrememly easy to hold back information such as a particular substance injected into a victim that shows up during later tox tests but is never released to the public.
Don't be suprised if this guy is taken to trial for her murder, many bits of evidence never made public before will be introduced. Even with all the leaks in this case and "experts" who wrote books never found out about rarely are able to find out every bit of evidence or are willing to provide the information.
Frankly, if this ever comes to trial, I think all will be horrified by what was held back and by how much "known" information was untrue or misunderstood.
I hope you are right.