I never for a moment thought the parents were involved. I did from the beginning think there was a "rush to judgment" campaign and the media was guilty as heck.
Sounds like Marten van den Berg, second grade teacher, supposedly living in Bangkok.
With an arrest in Thailand I am very ready to assume the guy is a pedophile predator. Steve Singular wrote a book theorizing that child porn industry played a role in Jon Benet's death. Maybe he was right.
We'll see what the story is on this suspect.
One of the disgusting pedophile / bizarre sex seeking farang ... he definitely fits a certain profile. Profiling is a good thing indeed.
I just read that the guy "confessed" to drugging jonbenet and then having sex with her killing her accidently.
According to CNN no drug were found in her body and the sexual assault was "minor"(how any assault on a 6-year-old can be minor i'll never know) with her vagina only showing a few abrasions. I think this guy is just confessing for attention. I would love it if this case was finaly solved and justice served but alas I do not think this sicko did it.