1 posted on
08/16/2006 1:17:09 PM PDT by
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To: mhking
To: mhking
371 posted on
08/16/2006 1:49:03 PM PDT by
To: mhking
this didn't take long..FROM THE DU, this poster is insinuating that this is ANOTHER timing issue..do those people have no shame??
4. derby378 Donating Member (1000+ posts)
Did somebody say DISTRACTION?!?
Such odd timing, especially with Democrats picking up steam in House and Senate races nationwide despite those terrorism arrests in the UK...
374 posted on
08/16/2006 1:49:08 PM PDT by
(I'm a Patriot Guard Rider..www.patriotguard.org for info)
To: mhking
375 posted on
08/16/2006 1:49:09 PM PDT by
To: mhking
For the record, I never believed it was an "insider." We shall see what the outcome is...
387 posted on
08/16/2006 1:50:30 PM PDT by
To: mhking
388 posted on
08/16/2006 1:50:43 PM PDT by
(Spectre's wife)
To: mhking
390 posted on
08/16/2006 1:51:07 PM PDT by
(Dyslectics of Freerepublic, UNTIE!)
To: mhking
392 posted on
08/16/2006 1:51:11 PM PDT by
(Proud parent of a tanker! (Charlie Mike, son))
To: mhking; All
394 posted on
08/16/2006 1:51:13 PM PDT by
(Politicians Are Like Diapers - Both Need To Be Changed Often And For The Same Reason)
To: mhking
How sad that Patsy died before hearing this news.
399 posted on
08/16/2006 1:51:39 PM PDT by
([there's a lot of bad people in the pistachio business])
To: mhking
Get Thai'd! You're talking to a tourist Whose every move's among the purest I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine
I don't see you guys rating The kind of mate I'm contemplating I'd let you watch, I would invite you But the queens we use would not excite you
So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your massage parlours --
One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free You'll find a god in every golden cloister A little flesh, a little history I can feel an angel sliding up to me
- Murray Head's "One Night in Bangkok"
Never been there and have no desire to go there. I've heard it's a complete cesspool of every imaginable depravity and yes a haven for pedophiles.
403 posted on
08/16/2006 1:52:26 PM PDT by
(There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.)
To: mhking
Interesting how the Ramsey-haters are clinging to their hate even when the suspect is arrested in a known haven for pedophiles and the father has been "informed" of the arrest.
"Well", they reason, "the Ramseys must have been involved in a conspiracy with him." Bottom line - the Ramseys were falsely accused all along. The accusers should be ashamed.
To: mhking
To: mhking
A Boulder County District Attorney investigator is bringing a suspect in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case back to the United States.snip
The suspect was arrested in Bangkok, Thailand Wednesday morning.
The suspect has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public.
The Boulder County DA's office has not confirmed the identity of the suspect, but is expected to have a press conference later today
To: mhking
424 posted on
08/16/2006 1:54:15 PM PDT by
(I have the right to offend. You can take offense or not.)
To: mhking
490 posted on
08/16/2006 2:03:01 PM PDT by
(I ha' da Steve Nash DO befo' Steve Nash DID)
To: mhking
492 posted on
08/16/2006 2:03:10 PM PDT by
(Admiral Clark said, "Our mantra today is life, liberty and the pursuit of those who threaten it!")
To: mhking
To: mhking
Could it be possible that Patsy was sleeping around with this guy?
To: mhking
544 posted on
08/16/2006 2:09:40 PM PDT by
(This tagline is brought to you by the Admin Moderator!)
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