1 posted on
08/16/2006 1:17:09 PM PDT by
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To: mhking
To: mhking
166 posted on
08/16/2006 1:32:32 PM PDT by
To: mhking
Greta V's little heart must be all aflutter.
172 posted on
08/16/2006 1:32:54 PM PDT by
("Brethren, leave us go amongst them." Rev. Capt. Samuel Johnston Clayton - Ward Bond- The Searchers)
To: mhking
To: mhking
The Boulder police ought to be charged with murder. Mrs. Ramsey just died of cancer - probably from the stress of years of false accusation.
I doubt they'll even get an apology.
To: mhking
Trent: So where to eat? You like Thai?
Homer: Tie good. You like shirt?
180 posted on
08/16/2006 1:33:33 PM PDT by
("An armed society is a polite society" Robert A. Heinlein)
To: mhking
They can do a post-mortem arrest? I though Patsy Ramsey was dead? How can they arrest the dead?
181 posted on
08/16/2006 1:33:43 PM PDT by
(I think I'll retire to Bedlam.)
To: mhking
What is Greta going to do!?!?! I heard she was on the "claustrophobic women on a plane" flight, and now, she's got to choose what to natter about.....Jon Benet or "women on planes".....God forbid anything come up about Aruba today....
197 posted on
08/16/2006 1:35:06 PM PDT by
(X .................................)
To: mhking
CNN confirming. Rusty Dornan reporter telling Wolf Blitzer. The person is not identified. He will be brought back from Bankok, Thailand.
222 posted on
08/16/2006 1:37:08 PM PDT by
To: mhking
Well it cannot be Ms. Ramsey.
223 posted on
08/16/2006 1:37:12 PM PDT by
(Islam is a perversion of faith, a lie against human spirit, an obscenity shouted in the face of G_d)
To: mhking
This is the story with 3 posts at the DUmmies site:
Just heard on the radio that someone had been arrested in the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey. Don't know who.
Put the war on hold. From now on, it's going to be Jon Benet 24/7 on all the cable news channels.
Do you suppose this is a Cheney/Rove distraction?
235 posted on
08/16/2006 1:38:00 PM PDT by
(Proudly catching hell for posting without reading the article since 2004)
To: mhking
238 posted on
08/16/2006 1:38:17 PM PDT by
To: mhking
Does this make you part of the mainstream media? Sacre bleu!
241 posted on
08/16/2006 1:38:31 PM PDT by
(Tom Gallagher - the anti-Crist [FL Governor, 2006 primary])
To: mhking
The suspect was arrested in Bangkok.
249 posted on
08/16/2006 1:38:53 PM PDT by
(Wars may be fought by weapons, but they are won by men.- General George Patton)
To: mhking
Is Howard Dean in Thailand?
259 posted on
08/16/2006 1:39:37 PM PDT by
To: mhking
early this morning in Thailand.
is it me but it seems that there is an awful lot of child sex abuse coming out of Thailand...I'm always wary of people who say "I love to visit Thailand 2 or 3 times a year...hmmmm
To: mhking
Oh, please, please, oh, pretty please, don't tell us who it is!
You could be taking away 10,000 hours of continuous TV coverage, and the advertisers would be very pissed!
This story isgood into 2010!
Oh, please, please, oh, pretty please, don't tell us who it is!
325 posted on
08/16/2006 1:45:14 PM PDT by
(Maybe the UN should donate UNICEF proceeds to the Gates Foundation, and fold!)
To: mhking
Thailand. Isn't Gary Glitter living there?
329 posted on
08/16/2006 1:45:30 PM PDT by
(I am a big fan of urban sprawl but I wish there were more sidewalks)
To: mhking
349 posted on
08/16/2006 1:46:52 PM PDT by
("I am neither . I am a Christocrat" - Benjamin Rush)
To: mhking
My turn.
352 posted on
08/16/2006 1:47:10 PM PDT by
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