We're being taken over by foreign industry, one of the last havens we have left is software, yet there you are running your Knoppix Linux, and trying to convert others.
Gee, and the fine folks at Knoppix are making how much money off me?
Not that it would matter to me. I'm not willing to suffer with inferior alternatives like MS-Windows, when I have the option to use an operating system that is so far and away ahead of anything MS has in terms of security and reliability. The question for me is "Does it help me work better?" The obvious answer is, Yes. Your constant shilling for Microsoft is so transparent that it is laughable.
I'm sorry that you think that Linus Torvalds poisoned your dog, but your fanaticism is a sad thing to have to witness on this conservative forum, which you never participate in except as a shill for Microsoft.
Do you actually have any political opinions? I asked before about the 2nd Amendment, which of course you ignored, because it is an obvious political topic, and you are apparently not allowed to express an opinion about political things on this site. It leads one to wonder what your motivation is.
Other than just attempting to hijack a threads and annoy people.
You have long since shown yourself to be a pathetic excuse for a human being who is unable to get beyond a 5 point list of talking points.