No, I have no stats, but every Creationist advocate I've ever seen on TV was a black guy wearing a suit. I've never seen a single black person promoting the idea.
Probably because the MSM loves to portray anybody challenging evolution as an idiot, and it is verboten to portray black people as idiots.
It is pretty obvious to me that most people who intentionally get involved in the Creationist issue are fundamentalist Christians. I have no stats, but I suspect blacks are pretty sparse among this group.
OTOH, the stats others have posted here make it pretty clear that most Americans, given the choice between evolution and creation, reject evolution. Personally, I believe most of these would be more than happy to accept the compromise that God can have used evolution as a tool in his Creation.
The general portray of evolution in the media is that it requires disbelief in God, which of course is totally untrue.
Second paragraph in post 18 was intended to refer to a white guy in a suit.