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To: Diddle E. Squat; Czar; nicmarlo; texastoo; Kenny Bunk; EternalVigilance; jer33 3; janetgreen; ...

This alarmist POS has already been posted .And it didn't deserve the space the first time. What's the big deal? This sort of arrangement is as common as tomato soup. And you note that NOWHERE does Corsi say that the land will become Mexican soverign territory min law, only that it will be treated as such - and what he does not say is that such treatment will be only for some limited commercial purposes. This is not a soverignity giveaway as the innuendo suggests. I am certain that around the world there are numerous examples in free trade zones where other nations territory is treated as US territory for exactly the same commerce-friendly reasons. Lighten up. And Corsi should be ashamed of himself for this kind of noxious stirring up trouble where non exists. I hardly know how to react to such bizarre fanatsy. You are close to clinical paranoia. This is mainly an EXPORT facility, to facilitate the export of American products to Mexico by pre-clearing them. Loosen up. Go to school. Read a book. Get an education. Make something of yourself. Then you might be able to start making sense. I had a lot of respect for Jerome Corsi, especially after his work with the Swifties, but this latest stuff is pure crap. We don't want to be inextricably tied to a third world crap hole despite how often you and your ilk tell us we do. Suit yourself. But you have no business interfering in the livlihoods of others with more sense than you. There are a lot of people making money manufacturing and exporting to Mexico, and this KC facility (as well as improved highways) will greatly increase Mexican trade, benefiting hundreds of thousands of hardworking Americans. Yeah, I read that too. More paranoid Corsi crap. My agenda is common sense, and calling out liars and distorters. Nothing more. Hogswill. You have NO facts or evidence to support the notion that this KC facility will comprimise national security or sovereignity, in any way whatsoever. What you're selling is pure hogswill. I hardly know how to react to such bizarre fanatsy(kittymyrib's). You are close to clinical paranoia Welcome to the rants of a very small but very vocal minority on FR. Their heroes are pat buchanan and tom tancredo, two other clinical paranoids the liberal MSM gives much airtime to, so that they can smear all conservatives in general Ohio is a third world crap hole now? Funny, I hadn't noticed. LOL, mua, all you stated was where bananas are grown, and biker there thinks bananas grow in Ohio. Uh biker what you smoking this morning? The banana peel of your morning breakfast? Come on biker show us a banana farm in Ohio. You may have to smoke a couple of more banana peels, to come up with the answer to that one. We post articles and facts while you name call on every article. Real intellectual crowd you hang with. LOL! Those in glass houses should not stones, CC. Had failed to notice Tancredo being paranoic at all ~ or even politically aligned with Buchanan Uh the Team America Pac, that spent $50,000 to try to unseat 100% ACU conservative Chris Cannon, was founded by tom tancredo and current matriarch of the buchanan political family, bay buchanan. Did you hear that Bush is suddenly willing to compromise by allowing a border enforcement first approach and trying to phase in the rest of the amnesty lovers package later? Yep it's called the Mike Pence plan. Sorry but tommy tancredo ain't going to get any credit on this one. Oh well tom tancredo can always go back to what he does best, stab conservatives in the back. Let's see, you said I'm a morning bananna and that people like me come from third world crap holes but I'm from Ohio. Logically, I draw the conclusion that you're calling Ohio a third world crap hole OK, I'm done debating. I'll have to wait till your banana peel smoking has worn off. It isn't Corsi's facts that are wrong. I have no reason to challenge a single one of them. It's his breathless conclusion that something sinister is going on that I take offense at. Fact: we are right next door to a 60 million person and growing market. Fact: As a country we need to export to balance our insatiable appetite for imports Fact: to succeed as an exporter we need to minimize our overhead costs and primary among these is warehousing and transport Why does Corsi see very reasonable, time tested, common, ordinary, widespread practices as something evil, underhanded, sinister or dangerous? Frankly, I can't imagine, unless he is intentionally pumping some kind of agenda. You seem to buy into what he's selling. Maybe you can explain it to me, but if you try, I'd appreciate it is you would stick to facts, too. What excactly is it that you and Corsi are so exercised about. That we actually want to export to Mexico? Or that we import from Mexico? Or what? I'm going to say it once again. There is no one-world, universal soverignity, open borders agenda at work here. This is just trying to make exporting a bit more efficient so more people can have jobs. Trying to make it more than that can only be done at the expense of the truth, i.e. by lying. Horsepuckey. If you are talking about me then you head is squarely put up where the sun don't shine. I am an American sovereignity defender to the death. But I'm not a dumbass that doesn't know the difference betrween sovereignety and a free trade zone or a port terminal operation. I assume that virtually all grown ups can. LoL. But they just keep trying. Those who believe this crap may well be nuts. But such beliefs are common to those who think the World Nut Daily is a credible source of information. But, but, but what about the Pan American Highway? Hasn't it led to disasters unimagined? Llamas walking into the US? The banana crop in Ohio must be huge. Nice delusions there. Are they natural or artificially induced. You know I am taking a lot of heat on this thread, but there are at least a few others that can see how worked up some folks have gotten over what is really nothing at all. Take you. You seem to think that this facility in Kansas City, of all places, is intended to facilitate the import of "chinese crap" via Mexico. Well, You don't want Chinese crap, don't buy it then. That's freedom for you. But that's not really my point. My point is that this KC facility is being proposed to make if easier for Mexicans to Buy "American crap". This is primarily an EXPORT facility. That's what pre-clearance is all about. Think about it. There is no need for a Mexican customs facility in Kansas City to facilitate import of Mexican good into the US. That's the function of US CUSTOMS, Einstein. This Mexican Customs facility is to facilitate our own exports to Mexico. US Customs will set up in Mexico, not in Kansas City, to pre-clear Mexican cargo into the US. This entire thread is powered by bad gas. They just go from thread to thread. And all by Corsi. All of them. I was just on another thread. Well, when the debunking started happening, the usual suspects bugged out. I haven't checked, but I'm sure they're here. I used to subscribe to Human Events but dropped them when they started spending too much time attacking the President. They are horning in on the NY Times business. What American crap are the Mexicans buying? I myself have probably answered your question a dozen times over the past two years. Do you actually forget, or simply pretend to be ignorant? "Please refute with facts" Corsi would be a more convincing kook if he had the facts. As I pointed out to you on the other thread, Corsi is not very well informed about the corridors. Likewise, he is not very well informed on inland ports. While he rants about the KC Port, he has no clue that there are other ports, San Antonio, Alliance Texas, and Winnipeg. There are others, but these three(plus KC) are part of the North American Inlands Ports Network. While he rants about NASCO, he doesn't have a clue that NAIPN is part of NASCO. If Corsi wants to really agitate the conspiracy kooks, he needs to tie Ross Perot(Alliance Texas) into the conspiracy. Its pathetic. This alarmist POS has already been posted .And it didn't deserve the space the first time. What's the big deal? This sort of arrangement is as common as tomato soup. And you note that NOWHERE does Corsi say that the land will become Mexican soverign territory min law, only that it will be treated as such - and what he does not say is that such treatment will be only for some limited commercial purposes. This is not a soverignity giveaway as the innuendo suggests. I am certain that around the world there are numerous examples in free trade zones where other nations territory is treated as US territory for exactly the same commerce-friendly reasons. Lighten up. And Corsi should be ashamed of himself for this kind of noxious stirring up trouble where non exists. I hardly know how to react to such bizarre fanatsy. You are close to clinical paranoia. This is mainly an EXPORT facility, to facilitate the export of American products to Mexico by pre-clearing them. Loosen up. Go to school. Read a book. Get an education. Make something of yourself. Then you might be able to start making sense. I had a lot of respect for Jerome Corsi, especially after his work with the Swifties, but this latest stuff is pure crap. We don't want to be inextricably tied to a third world crap hole despite how often you and your ilk tell us we do. Suit yourself. But you have no business interfering in the livlihoods of others with more sense than you. There are a lot of people making money manufacturing and exporting to Mexico, and this KC facility (as well as improved highways) will greatly increase Mexican trade, benefiting hundreds of thousands of hardworking Americans. Yeah, I read that too. More paranoid Corsi crap. My agenda is common sense, and calling out liars and distorters. Nothing more. Hogswill. You have NO facts or evidence to support the notion that this KC facility will comprimise national security or sovereignity, in any way whatsoever. What you're selling is pure hogswill. I hardly know how to react to such bizarre fanatsy(kittymyrib's). You are close to clinical paranoia Welcome to the rants of a very small but very vocal minority on FR. Their heroes are pat buchanan and tom tancredo, two other clinical paranoids the liberal MSM gives much airtime to, so that they can smear all conservatives in general Ohio is a third world crap hole now? Funny, I hadn't noticed. LOL, mua, all you stated was where bananas are grown, and biker there thinks bananas grow in Ohio. Uh biker what you smoking this morning? The banana peel of your morning breakfast? Come on biker show us a banana farm in Ohio. You may have to smoke a couple of more banana peels, to come up with the answer to that one. We post articles and facts while you name call on every article. Real intellectual crowd you hang with. LOL! Those in glass houses should not stones, CC. Had failed to notice Tancredo being paranoic at all ~ or even politically aligned with Buchanan Uh the Team America Pac, that spent $50,000 to try to unseat 100% ACU conservative Chris Cannon, was founded by tom tancredo and current matriarch of the buchanan political family, bay buchanan. Did you hear that Bush is suddenly willing to compromise by allowing a border enforcement first approach and trying to phase in the rest of the amnesty lovers package later? Yep it's called the Mike Pence plan. Sorry but tommy tancredo ain't going to get any credit on this one. Oh well tom tancredo can always go back to what he does best, stab conservatives in the back. Let's see, you said I'm a morning bananna and that people like me come from third world crap holes but I'm from Ohio. Logically, I draw the conclusion that you're calling Ohio a third world crap hole OK, I'm done debating. I'll have to wait till your banana peel smoking has worn off. It isn't Corsi's facts that are wrong. I have no reason to challenge a single one of them. It's his breathless conclusion that something sinister is going on that I take offense at. Fact: we are right next door to a 60 million person and growing market. Fact: As a country we need to export to balance our insatiable appetite for imports Fact: to succeed as an exporter we need to minimize our overhead costs and primary among these is warehousing and transport Why does Corsi see very reasonable, time tested, common, ordinary, widespread practices as something evil, underhanded, sinister or dangerous? Frankly, I can't imagine, unless he is intentionally pumping some kind of agenda. You seem to buy into what he's selling. Maybe you can explain it to me, but if you try, I'd appreciate it is you would stick to facts, too. What excactly is it that you and Corsi are so exercised about. That we actually want to export to Mexico? Or that we import from Mexico? Or what? I'm going to say it once again. There is no one-world, universal soverignity, open borders agenda at work here. This is just trying to make exporting a bit more efficient so more people can have jobs. Trying to make it more than that can only be done at the expense of the truth, i.e. by lying. Horsepuckey. If you are talking about me then you head is squarely put up where the sun don't shine. I am an American sovereignity defender to the death. But I'm not a dumbass that doesn't know the difference betrween sovereignety and a free trade zone or a port terminal operation. I assume that virtually all grown ups can. LoL. But they just keep trying. Those who believe this crap may well be nuts. But such beliefs are common to those who think the World Nut Daily is a credible source of information. But, but, but what about the Pan American Highway? Hasn't it led to disasters unimagined? Llamas walking into the US? The banana crop in Ohio must be huge. Nice delusions there. Are they natural or artificially induced. You know I am taking a lot of heat on this thread, but there are at least a few others that can see how worked up some folks have gotten over what is really nothing at all. Take you. You seem to think that this facility in Kansas City, of all places, is intended to facilitate the import of "chinese crap" via Mexico. Well, You don't want Chinese crap, don't buy it then. That's freedom for you. But that's not really my point. My point is that this KC facility is being proposed to make if easier for Mexicans to Buy "American crap". This is primarily an EXPORT facility. That's what pre-clearance is all about. Think about it. There is no need for a Mexican customs facility in Kansas City to facilitate import of Mexican good into the US. That's the function of US CUSTOMS, Einstein. This Mexican Customs facility is to facilitate our own exports to Mexico. US Customs will set up in Mexico, not in Kansas City, to pre-clear Mexican cargo into the US. This entire thread is powered by bad gas. They just go from thread to thread. And all by Corsi. All of them. I was just on another thread. Well, when the debunking started happening, the usual suspects bugged out. I haven't checked, but I'm sure they're here. I used to subscribe to Human Events but dropped them when they started spending too much time attacking the President. They are horning in on the NY Times business. What American crap are the Mexicans buying? I myself have probably answered your question a dozen times over the past two years. Do you actually forget, or simply pretend to be ignorant? "Please refute with facts" Corsi would be a more convincing kook if he had the facts. As I pointed out to you on the other thread, Corsi is not very well informed about the corridors. Likewise, he is not very well informed on inland ports. While he rants about the KC Port, he has no clue that there are other ports, San Antonio, Alliance Texas, and Winnipeg. There are others, but these three(plus KC) are part of the North American Inlands Ports Network. While he rants about NASCO, he doesn't have a clue that NAIPN is part of NASCO. If Corsi wants to really agitate the conspiracy kooks, he needs to tie Ross Perot(Alliance Texas) into the conspiracy. Its pathetic. "TinfoilOn, apply directly to the forehead. TinfoilOn, apply directly to the forehead. TinfoilOn, apply directly to the forehead. TinfoilOn!"

The bottom line is, this is what you're supporting folks.
How more disgraceful can it get...



107 posted on 07/05/2006 3:57:08 PM PDT by Smartass ("In God We Trust" - "An informed and knowledgeably citizen is the best defense against tyranny")
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To: Smartass

U.S. Customs will be in the same area (not building) as the Mexican customs facility in K.C. Customs inspects all goods leaving and arriving in the U.S.

108 posted on 07/05/2006 4:01:38 PM PDT by Lobbyist (I want my American dream!)
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To: Smartass

LOL, thanks for the 'summary'.

My favorite "The Mods should start pulling these threads".

114 posted on 07/05/2006 6:19:16 PM PDT by Kimberly GG (Tancredo '08)
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To: Smartass

Thanks, Smartass, for the great summary of all the BS!

118 posted on 07/05/2006 8:44:00 PM PDT by janetgreen
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