"It certainly wasn't the anti-"Passion of the Christ" as some felt it was going to be."
Yeh but Dan Brown can alter and besmirch the divinity of Christ in this garbage flick and makes big $$ doing it.
If he had made a similar film about the prophet Mohammed in a derogatory manner bet the radical Muzzies would be lusting for his chopped off head. With portrayed distortions of Jesus you get to make $$ and keep your head. Such a DEAL!
O my Jesus,
how much you are still a sign of contradiction,
and some create such interesting masks
to clothe your reality.
For some,
the mask is you as a sign of ignorance,
being backwards,
For some,
the mask is you as an enlightened teacher,
a guru,
or the mask of a prophet,
the mask of a revolutionary
who lived and died and that was enough.
For some,
we see the true Light shining behind the masks man makes.
Help us see You,
stripped of all that we add or disguise.
O My Jesus
You are Emmanuel, God with us,
who joined us in love,
teaching and suffering and dying that we might live,
and might have that life abundantly
in your peace.
Teach those of us who love you
to show the world the face of our Redeemer,
this day, and always.
Pagans purveying poison can make money and have pleasure. It just doesn't last very long...