To: alexander_busek
"Maybe you simply met a benevolent person who merely felt like doing something nice." True. Nonetheless, it's nice to be there when they do these things.
36 posted on
05/13/2006 10:01:03 AM PDT by
(The MSM - Propaganda wing and news censorship division of the Democrat Party.)
To: Enterprise
A while back in a Target store, I was putting my stuff on the checkout conveyor belt.
One item was rather large, expensive and unwieldy.
Some tall, thin guy who was empty-handed happened by *just* at the instant that the item was about to crash to floor.
With one hand and no break in stride he caught it in midair and effortlessly swept it onto the belt and swiftly moved on out the door without a word or glance.
I opened my mouth to thank him and saw the look on the cashier's face.
I'm sure it matched my own.
She and I looked at each other for a few seconds and finally I said [without forethought or intent] and half-jokingly, "Was he an angel?"
Her wide-open eyes and mouth were her only reply.
There was just something about it an "energy" or "aura", if you will.
It was almost like the tingle you feel when standing near an electric plant substation.
Can't describe it better than that.
It quite simply did not -feel- like your average act of "normal" random act of kindness.
Many years ago I was new to motorcycles and hubby delights in cracking the throttle occasionally.
We were riding up a steep mountain and he opened it up.
I had no sissy bar behind me and the law of physics kicked in.
In an instant that seemed an eternity, I could feel my rump sliding backwards off the seat onto the fender and my feet leaving the foot pegs.
I was going off the back at 65 mph on a steep incline.
Just as I could only feel empty air between me and the inevitable and I thought I was done for, I felt a literal, -physical- strong "push" in the small of my back and I was shoved forward enough to be able to reach hubby's belt loops and hang on.
Does that make me sound crazy?
I couldn't possibly care less.
In actuality, I'm quite a skeptic and scoffer at "paranormal" stuff.
I did, however, feel what I felt both times.
[and there's more but I'm sure I've given some people sufficient snickers for one day]....:)
52 posted on
05/13/2006 10:37:18 PM PDT by
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