Your silly is showing again. If the CFR backs both candidates, of course their guy will be elected. I could support both candidates, that wouldn't make me an all powerful force. LOL!
Why don't you prove your point, tell us who the CFR has picked to win in 2008. Better yet, tell us who the Dem and Republican primary winners will be.
Tell me what is silly about any of it.
I suggest you read the cfr's own history on their site. And remember the Japanese were making overtones of surrender BEFORE Hiroshima. They claim they were instrumental in the war effort. Instrumental in steering policy for their CEO membership's lucrative war production.
The CFR is already behind Biden in case you missed it, but they'll find a Rep member to back as well like they always do. The only exception since WWII was RWR, but his cabinet(advisors) was flush with them too.