A lot of you seem to think that Matt and Trey never intended to show Mohammed. I believe they did. During the Mohammed scene, the screen said "Comedy Central has refused to broadcast an image of Mohammed on their network".
Matt and Trey are capable of many things - but libelling their own network is probably not one of them.
Here is my letter to Comedy Central:
How nice to see that Comedy Central refuses to show an inoffensive image of Mohammed, but did allow Crap all over Jesus and the American flag. Of course, I believe in free speech - my problem is not what was shown, but what was censored. Our country is at war with terrorists, and you have picked the wrong side. I hope your censorship of South Park somehow violates your contract so that Matt and Trey can get out of it and find a network with principles.
Mat drudge went through this then finely went back doing it on the net and Radio. Once TV is hooked up to the net in most homes cable and networks will be history (i hope).