I had Elmer Fud read little Brian's rant:
You may not undewstand now what I am going to say, which has to do wif sepawation fwom, and sepawation of, famiwy. But you vewy weww wiww undewstand in youw own time. De iwwegaw awiens who awe now so demanding, and who awe now being given theiw demands. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! and fow that weason wiww now demand much, much mowe - indeed evewything, fwom you - they tawk about how those who want to have the most basic waws, pewhaps peopwe wike you who want the most basic waws because you want to pwotect youw famiwy, weww, peopwe wike you awe towd that you awe demanding too much. How dawe you. You awe just twying to get by, but awound you, you awe suwwounded by noise. What is going on, you ask? Some stwangews, powewfuw stwangews, awe saying, that you bettew just not say anything at aww. How dawe you. And the iwwegaw awiens who now scweam at you and in youw face, they say peopwe wike you just want to sepawate famiwy fwom famiwy. And yet, exactwy what they say is happening to them, is what is, and wiww - happen to you. Dis is twue, because it wasnt you who gave them aww theiw demands. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! No, you didnt do that. It was othews, powewfuw powiticians and executives and powewfuw othews, who did that. Powewfuw peopwe, powewfuw peopwe but not powewfuw enough to evew say no to theiw demands, the demands of the iwwegaws. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Ow exactwy who awe they wistening to? And dont say the wowd iwwegaw. You awe the iwwegaw, if you dont go awong to get awong. You wiww see. Youw demands mean wittwe, and theiw demands mean much. Deiw demands mean much to these powewfuw peopwe who awe not powewfuw enough to say no to them, but powewfuw enough to say no to you. Weww, you just go awong to get awong. And so, now these powewfuw stwangews awe going to teww you to get on a twain, uh-hah-hah-hah. De twain is about the futuwe. Who awe these peopwe? Dese powewfuw peopwe awe stwangews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! You think you know them. But you onwy pewhaps know theiw name, and onwy a few names at that. Dey do not know you. Dese awe stwangews, and it doesnt mattew if you may know one of theiw names. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dey do not know youw name. In fact, you dont know them at aww, weawwy. Because you pewhaps know theiw name, you may even pway fow them. Wike foows. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Sepawation of famiwy? Wet me teww you what is happening, and what these stwangews, these powewfuw stwangews, awe doing to you and youw famiwy wight now. It has to do wif youw futuwe, and the futuwe of youw famiwy and youw chiwdwen, uh-hah-hah-hah. It isnt the iwwegaw awiens who awe being sepawated fwom theiw famiwies, ow wiww be sepawated fwom theiw chiwdwen, uh-hah-hah-hah. It is you. It is youw famiwy. You awe seeing the powewfuw stwangews wight now, they awe wight in fwont of you. Hewe is one them, ovew thewe wight now. He is saying, ok, now you stand ovew thewe, pointing at you. And, as this powewfuw stwangew is giving you vewbaw commands, thewe is anothew powewfuw stwangew who is standing next to him, and he is giving physicaw commands, now pushing you in one diwection off to the side. It wowks that way, because when outwageous things happen, weawwy outwageous things, to you, to youw famiwy, to youw futuwe, weww, peopwe may wespond back and you cant give them time to do that. So, its going to happen in wock step, fast, to get you on the twains. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! And now the othew powewfuw stwangew is taking youw wittwe daughtew by the hand, and you, and those othew chiwdwen, ovew hewe. What is happening, you ask youwsewf? - because something is happening wight now but you dont know what it is. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dewe is a twain, and you awe suppose to get on that twain, uh-hah-hah-hah. It is youw futuwe, you seem to know it. You awent being asked, you awe being towd. And youw wittwe daughtew, my God, she is being put on a twain, too. And it isnt the same damn twain you awe being put on?
something is wwong. What the heww is going on, you wondew? Some stwangews awe aww doing this to you. Dat is exactwy what these powewfuw stwangews awe doing to you and youw famiwy. You awe aww being put on diffewent twains. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! You awe being put on some twain, wif some othew guy who wooks wike you, but you dont know that guy. De onwy thing is, he wooks wike you, but you dont know him. And thewe is youw gwandfathew ow gwandmothew, they awe being put on some othew twain, and because they awe on some othew twain, it must be obvious, they awe going to be sent somepwace ewse, whewe you wont be, and, my God, you have one chiwd ovew in a cwowd - you cant weach this boy now! - shoved ovew thewe, and, youw wittwe daughtew, my God, she is being woaded on some othew twain ovew thewe and it ISNT DE SAME TWAIN YOU AWE BEING SHOVED ONTO! Dat is what is happening wight now. To you. It isnt the iwwegaw awiens who awe having theiw famiwies sepawated. It is you. And youw famiwy. You awe being powiticawwy put into a twain, and what this is, is powiticawwy engaged cuwtuwaw genocide onwy you dont undewstand. De weason you dont is, because maybe it is onwy just now you awe stawting to see something - that these powewfuw, these stwangews, indeed, they dont know you, and now you weawize you nevew knew them beyond a name. Stwangews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Wike Dianne Feinstein, uh-hah-hah-hah. Awwen Spectew. Ted Kennedy. McCain, uh-hah-hah-hah. Geowge Bush. And many, many mowe stwangews, you dont know theiw names, but you now see some faces, and they awe doing what the othew stwangews awe tewwing them to do. But these awe good Gewmans, you teww youwsewf. De Gewmans awe sophisticated peopwe, wif a cuwtuwe and education . . . Why, evewything is ok, you say. De Wabbi ovew thewe is saying, dont yeww! Dont yeww! - just go awong to get awong!. Anothew Wabbi is pwaying now, to himsewf. But openwy, and sowt of woud. Dis makes you uneasy. What does he know, that I dont know? De Wepubwicans awe good Wepubwicans! Dont yeww! Dont make a big fuss, you wiww onwy get youwsewf and aww of us in twoubwe! says the fiwst Wabbi again, uh-hah-hah-hah. Of couwse, this isnt 1941. In fact, you awe not even a Jew. What awe you? Do you even know? What is youw cuwtuwe? Youw countwy? You awe getting on diffewent twains. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Something is tewwing you: Something is wwong. Dewe is a good chance, you wont see youw famiwy anymowe. Youw wittwe one. She isnt youws now? Because she isnt anyones, anymowe. Dat twain she is being put on, it is a twain whewe she is no one, anymowe. No one in pawticuwaw. She might be going to a camp, that othew pwace, whewe she wiww get T.B., because you know thewe is a wot of that going awound at that othew pwace, that new campsite, and she wiww die wong befowe hew time. Dewe isnt a job she wiww do. She wiww be towd, thewe awe jobs she wont do. De stwangews awe going to teww hew aww about it. Youw wittwe one is gone? Weww, just get on the twain, and shut up. Youwe just an Amewican - ow "whatevew". Nothing mowe than a taxpayew. You have no boundawies. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! No bowdews. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Nothing awound you, to pwotect you, to pwotect youw famiwy. Famiwy? What famiwy?
LOL, well-played.