So, the transitional species would be a kind of both, now wouldn't he/it?
So the evolutionists are looking for something that is neither completely animal or human.
Take a look at the following.
First, the chart: note the position of Australopithecus africanus.
Then go to the bottom and meet Mrs. Ples.
So, you have what you were asking for. Neither ape nor human. Good enough?
Discovered By: R. Broom & J. Robinson 1947 (1)
Estimated Age of Fossil: 2.5 mya * determined by Stratigraphic, floral & faunal data (1, 4)
Species Name: Australopithecus africanus (1, 2)
Gender: Male (based on CAT scan of wisdom teeth roots) (1, 30) Female (original interpretation) (4)
Cranial Capacity: 485 cc (2, 4)
Information: No tools found in same layer (4)
Interpretation: Erect posture (based on forward facing foramen magnum) (8)
Nickname: Mrs. Ples (1)
See original source for notes:
Now there is some real proof.