The Busy Body shop is funny! LOL!
Wev-Babycakes you could not afford to live in my neigborhood and if Annyok knew Cali like she said she does then she would know this area in Shadowridge where (As well as Northern Cali) there is no crime and gangs...Yeah Sure Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar
La Jolla have terrible gang problems...And I am sure if I wanted to sell and move to some one horse town I would not have a mortgage either, but I would rather live where my family lives and enjoy the sunshine 365 days a year.
Boat is nice but if I want to do that I can use my folks or my in-laws... Since I lived in Florida which I hated Florida has the best beaches ever especially down in the Panhandle Mexico Beach, Destin and Pensacola. I would rather have ideal weather than a lake or a warm beach those areas are for visiting....