You spelled CANCEL wrong. It should have been CANCELMYACCOUNT. Back to the corner with the dunce cap.
Makes sense to me.
He/she can't spell "cancel". He/she can't keep up with his/her internet IDs and passwords.
It's a sad state of affairs. I am very concerned -- NOT.
I'm in favor of Jim NOT cancelling her POWEQI account -- and we'll use her ONE membership to BOOST FR's membership numbers. Oh, yeah, now he/she has TWO memberships which FR can count. he-he-he
Yeah, that's the ticket. Let's take advantage of this person because they are SO STUPID.
Maybe, just maybe, he/she will forget the password for CANCELLMYACCOUNT, and have to set up a THIRD account. This could be BIG! Our numbers are going to SOAR, I tell ya!
(see my new tag line)