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There is a political reference in the story as well.
1 posted on 01/22/2006 7:59:47 PM PST by ConservativeStatement
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To: MassRepublicanFlyersFan


2 posted on 01/22/2006 8:02:23 PM PST by Tyche (A half truth is a whole lie)
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To: MassRepublicanFlyersFan

Some people should be seen and not heard

5 posted on 01/22/2006 8:16:03 PM PST by skaterboy (My candy cane is so yummy and delicious)
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To: MassRepublicanFlyersFan
and I think that's really freedom-of-speech infringement," she charged.

another civics major heard from...
6 posted on 01/22/2006 9:05:48 PM PST by stylin19a (God does not apply to your alloted time, the hours spent playing golf.)
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To: MassRepublicanFlyersFan

From Anna Benson's website:

Michael Moore - scarlett letter

Dear Mr. Moore,

I honestly have to tell you... I hate your fucking guts. Forget about how un-American you are, how politically retarded you are, or how fat you look while slobbering your political garbage all over everyone mainly , I despise you for the fact that you make money off of influencing the young minds of America to be Bush-haters. Personally, I do not agree with some of the President's decisions; however, I am wise enough to blame our entire country for poor decisions. We voted him in. Twice. I am also deferential enough toward our country not to make public remarks about our CIC because I have respect for him; I respect authority and do not lay blame on one man's head. I felt your, "Bowling for Columbine," to be in poor taste just like the way you live your life. Let's look at you for a moment... you, an overweight, sloppy man, who points his fat little finger at everyone else all the time and makes money from American tragedy. What have you done for America except to drag it down with your inaccurate portrayal of our government? You, a big-mouth waste that uses his "movie" making to influence uneducated America. You are not a politician, but you should be with the diarrhea of inaccurate information and sensationalism that spews from those lips, but, then again, that is just like a "movie" maker does.

You are a pariah to our nation... the fat kid who got beat up by the jocks at school, and this has formulated your hatred of America. If I didn't know any better, I would think that George W. himself went to school with you and kicked the shit out of your pie-hole everyday for being such a candy-ass. If you are so passionate about politics, use some of your blood-making money to make it a better place instead of making movies that only benefit your fat-ass fanny-pack. No one likes to see Hollywood try to engage our minds with their ridiculous and one-sided political rants during award ceremonies. Your "movies" are just a façade hiding your own political agenda, which, by the way, is fucking warped. Have you ever been diplomatic and unbiased in your "reporting" of our national disgraces? No, and you know it. You are a selfish, pathetic excuse for an American, and you can take your big, fat ass over to Iraq and get your pig head cut off and stuck on a pig pole. Then, you can have your equally as fat wife make a documentary about how loudly you squealed while terrorists were cutting through all the blubber and chins to get that 40 pound head off of you. I dare you to go to Iraq and diarrhea all over our soldiers; they would love to strip you naked in the streets and leave you so that the terrorists can pick you up and dispose of you the way terrorists do. If you believe that Iraq and Al-Qaeda were not together, go over there and see for yourself. The only reason you were and are against this war is because you are too much of a waste to fight for your rights as an American and to punish those responsible along with their allies. I bet the people of Iraq are very happy to be liberated from a man who is a criminal and was a detriment to the World - not just the USA. Ask them if they are happy to be liberated. Furthermore, Iraq got what they deserved when they refused to allow UN inspections.

As for the FEMA response... yes, that could have been handled much better; however, that catastrophe could have been avoided if the Louisiana government would have gotten off their asses ten years ago and fixed those levies. Aren't you against big government? Don't we have "states" so that they can be semi-responsible for themselves, or is it that they only want the government to get involved after the fact? I guess that you would be one of the "rich" who should pay more taxes for the poor. Nice idea - but you have to remember that it's nature to have weak and strong. Not everyone can be the same, or you'd be really thin because you would have less money to buy food. True equality means less gluttony for you so that some idiot can have lots of babies they can't support while the "rich" takes care of their poor decision making.

If you want to rant and rave and shit all over America, then turn over all of your money to the poor as you preach. Make your movies, and turn over all of your profits so that drug addicts and criminals can have health insurance. Use your money to give FEMA a larger budget (which was needed even before New Orleans) so that they can better handle mass disasters. You have about as much political education as Mike Brown did mass-disaster education. Take your fat ass over to some low-income schools and help poor kids learn to read if you are so concerned about education. Then everything will be great, and everyone will be so educated that we will have no low or middle class. We will have to contract foreign countries in order to get maids to mop your floors... or garbage-men to pick up all of the fried chicken bones and Twinkie wrappers from out of your driveway.

You should be charged with treason and scorned for being anti-American. You look me in the eyes and tell me that the families of 9/11 don't deserve vengeance from these terrorists who will never stop trying to destroy us. What? Are we supposed to turn the other cheek on an attack like that? Fuck you. It doesn't matter how much money we put into health care when these Muslim radicals will stop at nothing to kill Jews and Christians. I think that if they succeed in their mission, health care is irrelevant. I hope that you take this letter, with your thousands of other hate letters, and use it to preach about wasting trees so that you can go hug them while the rest of the country is riding out this storm. We are Americans. We are fighting a war. And if you don't want to be a part of it, take yourself on your little, private jet to France and drown with those pussies in their wine while living next door to terrorists. You are a terrorist of your own kind with your mediocre film career. I think of you as a bigmouth who has lots to say without ever getting your chubby little hands dirty by actually making a difference... a bigmouth who only makes money from exploiting America. I guess you do have one quality that I like: the ability to make educated Americans distinguish between a "movie" and facts.

Anna Benson
Wife of NY Mets Pitcher Kris Benson
"Real" Americans

P.S. When my husband signed his four-year deal with the Mets, we gave $1,000,000.00 to New York to use toward 9/11 causes... causes that our "taxes" should have paid for. I may not agree with all of the decision that our government makes, but I am actively trying to make a difference; now let's see you put your money where your mouth is. You could stuff lots of money in that gaping hole.
close the window

7 posted on 01/25/2006 7:07:09 AM PST by JZelle
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To: MassRepublicanFlyersFan
>"If he was traded because of any potential talks with . . . Playboy or anything like this, that's a dirty, nasty, rotten trick — and I think that's really freedom-of-speech infringement," she charged

Standing by Her Man, Always With Elegance

...Let's hear it, too, for Rachel Robinson, who broke the wives' color barrier.

This is an honor well deserved because, depending on the set of wives, any newcomer, let alone the first black wife, can find herself walking into a hornet's nest. The Brooklyn Dodgers' wives, though, apparently did not greet her stingers first.

"I think the wives took it well in stride, as best I can remember," recalled Norma King, wife of Clyde King, then a young Dodgers pitcher. "She was accepted. She was a lovely girl. You couldn't find fault with her. It was like being with any other wife."

Fifty years later, Rachel Robinson continues to be unlike many other baseball wives, black or white, just as her husband was unlike many other players, black or white. In a two-minute speech after the fifth inning Tuesday night, she followed President Clinton by calling for even greater equality among all people.

"This anniversary," she said, standing at home plate, "has given us an opportunity as a nation to celebrate together the triumphs of the past and the social progress that has occurred. It has also given us an opportunity to reassess the challenges of the present. It is my passionate hope that we can take this reawakened feeling of unity and use it as a driving force so that each of us can recommit to equality of opportunity for all Americans."

Rachel and Jackie Robinson were married in February 1946. Norma and Clyde King were married nine months later. The Kings were Southerners, but neither had a problem with the Robinsons' color. Mrs. King, reminiscing over the telephone from North Carolina, reeled off the names of some of the other wives -- Dottie Reese, Betty Erskine, Ann Branca, Beverly Snider.

"I never heard anyone say anything but kind things about Rachel," she said. "She was invited to everything we had. She wouldn't always come -- she had little Jackie -- but she would come when she could. We all had a normal relationship with her."

Norma King recalled an incident early that first season at Ebbets Field that let Rachel Robinson know she belonged.

"Our seats were together, and after the game, we went downstairs together," she related. "There was an area where the wives waited for our husbands. It was inside an iron gate away from the fans. She stopped outside the gate, but I didn't realize she stopped. I went in. I looked and she wasn't behind me. I went back and said, 'Rachel, c'mon.' She said, 'I'm waiting here.' I said, 'No, you belong in here with the other wives.' "

The other wives, Clyde King remembered, came to admire Rachel Robinson.

"The wives thought she was an elegant lady," he said. "They were always anxious to see what she was wearing because she wore designer clothes."

Rachel Robinson has remained an elegant lady; a productive one, too. In 1973, the year after Robinson died, she formed the Jackie Robinson Foundation, which has since awarded 450 college scholarships to minority students who were needy and demonstrated leadership potential. Tuesday night the president saluted her efforts.

In honoring Robinson's memory, the ceremony also honored Rachel Robinson because the first black player in major league baseball did not go through the trauma alone. She wasn't out there on the field with him, but Rachel Robinson was right there alongside him. ...

8 posted on 01/25/2006 7:16:29 AM PST by theFIRMbss
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