The medical examiner admitted that Terri didn't collapse from a postassium imbalance, but the St. Pete Slimes continues to report the lies they reported for many years.
That paper deliberately spreads false statements. How pathetic.
Come to think of it, Jodi's in the insurance business, isn't she? Wonder what her viatical tables predict HER life expectancy to be, what with her "risk factors"?
The St. Pete Slimes knows damn well the autopsy discredited the potassium imbalance as the cause of Terri's collapse. This is far beyond sloppiness or lazy reporting, it is willful deceit. America's "free press" on parade... free to lie. The Slimes were eager accomplices to Michael, they are putrid propagandists, with blood on their hands.
Mikey and Jodi should probably give them an exclusive to the wedding, since they might not be having one without the tireless efforts of the St. Pete Times to shape public opinion to the desired outcome.