Christian Americans will never forget the explosion of fury that engulfed Mel Gibson over "The Passion". And we have noticed that Jim Caviezel has been until recently unable to find work in Hollywood. Sorry, durasell, but Hollywood showed us its face then.
Mel Gibson was the top male box office star of the 90's but because he made a 'blatantly' Christian movie Hollywood did everything it could to destroy his film, his career, and his good name.
As I said before, were Hollywood run strictly as a business it would be scrambling to produce more Christian themed movies. But it can't and won't because it does not wish to. That would be uncool. It would rather lose money or barely break even on "Saved", "Kinsley", "Buttcrack Mountin", "DeLovely", "Alexander" than look uncool by making "blatantly" Christian themed movies. Fascinating, for instance, how no one is even thinking of nominating "Narnia" for anything.
The last I heard, though I could be wrong, Hollywood was giving Gibson a couple hundred million to make an Aztec or Inca movie of some kind.
Really, I think you should go out there and talk to some of the so-called Hollywood types. In the meantime, you might want to contact these people...
Oh yeah, there was an "explosion of fury" that "engulfed" Mel Gibson?