To: Lady Jag; TASMANIANRED; Monkey Face; NicknamedBob; Irish_Thatcherite
Why, have you been to her place?Not yet!
4,768 posted on
02/19/2006 1:39:47 PM PST by
(I'd still rather hunt with Cheney, than drive with Kennedy.)
To: fanfan; TASMANIANRED; Monkey Face; NicknamedBob; Irish_Thatcherite
If you haven't seen it, then why do you think I was being rude about her chandelier? ;º)
4,786 posted on
02/19/2006 1:49:00 PM PST by
Lady Jag
( All I want is a kind word, a warm bed, and world domination) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson