I studied Latin because I was tired of all the latin footnotes I would find in history books. Took a while to finally get classes on it, though. I wanted to take it in 8th grade, moved to a different school that didn't teach it. I tried to take it in 9th grade, but the Latin teacher became a full time counselor. I finally took a couple of semesters of it in college, years later. But in the meanwhile, I studied French...about 6 years in all. I am not fluent. I can muddle through short passages. I tend to read all the verbs in my head like they were simple past tense....;0)
I do the same with Spanish, which I studied for 10 years in junior high, high school, and college. I was fluent at one point, but after so many years away from the southwest, I've really lost it.
One of the few Latin phrases I learned early on as youngster was ite missa est.
I was an altar boy.
Ite missa est. Good night.