To: NYer
Oh, wait, it's called "Brokeback Mountain?" I've only heard about it on FR, and all this time I thought it was actually called "Bareback Mountain." LOL
3 posted on
12/16/2005 4:27:42 PM PST by
(I know. Let's cut his WHOLE BODY off.)
To: Gordongekko909
"sheep-herding cowboys"
As far as I know there is no such thing - kinda like a 'Rat pushing for tax cuts.
11 posted on
12/16/2005 4:32:53 PM PST by
(If the political indictment's from Fitz, the jury always acquits.)
To: Gordongekko909
I thought it was "Brokeass Mountain".
14 posted on
12/16/2005 4:35:10 PM PST by
(Why would male shepherds have sex with each other when the job comes with a harem?)
To: Gordongekko909
You mean "Bareback Mountin'"??
58 posted on
12/16/2005 5:09:31 PM PST by
Rodney King
(No, we can't all just get along.)
To: Gordongekko909
It was originally entitled "Brokedick Mountain", but for some unknown reason they changed it. Why does queerdom have to go to the cowboy. Is not New York, Los Angeles and city high ligfe good enough for these pricks. The only refuge I have left is hunting and fishing, and I am sure the queers are hot on the trail to ruining that too. I suppose their claim on beastiality would naturally drive them that direction. What a world.
To: Gordongekko909
thought it was actually called "Bareback Mountain." LOL
aids... Adiós infected d... s...
77 posted on
12/16/2005 5:37:52 PM PST by
(A Concerned Citizen)
To: Gordongekko909
It's actually called "Raw Hind."
80 posted on
12/16/2005 5:49:39 PM PST by
(Viking kitties taste like chicken.)
To: Gordongekko909
98 posted on
12/16/2005 6:44:14 PM PST by
(Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
To: Gordongekko909
The name I've heard most often is "Gay Cowboys".
126 posted on
12/16/2005 9:57:02 PM PST by
(Al-Queda can recruit on college campuses but the US military can't!)
To: Gordongekko909
"Barea$$ Mountain" I think was the original title.
150 posted on
12/17/2005 6:38:26 AM PST by
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