Now, if cost is an issue and looks aren't...
...later tonight, go behind some large store and pick up some of those wood pallets. (A smaller quaint stable will require 3.) You might have to trim some edges off depending on style; however, use one for the back and one for each side. Getcha a dozen or so 2" - 3" wood screws and just assemble like a wood box. And as we all know, every good garage has a piece of plywood hidden in the garage knowing that "I'll need this someday". Use the plywood for the roof and screw down. With a little brown paint, you got yourself a stable. It was heavy enough to withstand about a 30 mph wind. After the season, (which lasts until Epiphany in my yard) just unscrew the 4 pieces and store under the deck or in a corner of the garage. I always saved some hay from bale used in our Fall decorations to line the bottom of the stable.
Brilliant idea! Do you have a picture you can post? I have to pick up my daughter, but will be back in less than an hour.
Thank you :)
How heavy are the pallets?