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Here is the text of there e-mail:

Indicted! White House Caught In Iraq Cover-Up

Dear MoveOn member,

Today, the Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States was indicted by a federal grand jury.

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, a Republican appointee, announced that Lewis "Scooter" Libby lied to a grand jury, lied to FBI agents and obstructed an investigation into the White House cover-up of the lies that led our nation to war in Iraq. Libby has now resigned. Top White House advisor Karl Rove remains under federal investigation.

This is one of the biggest scandals to rock the White House in America's 229-year history.

But The New York Times reported that the Bush spin machine will resort to "attacking any criminal charges as a disagreement over legal technicalities."1 The battle over public opinion begins today. We must remind the country that this scandal isn't about a "technicality"—it's about a White House scheme to cover-up the lies that led our nation into one of the most deadly foreign policy blunders in our nation's history.

Can you write a letter to the editor to remind folks that there's no graver crime than misleading a country into war, and then covering it up? Our tool makes it easy to write to your local paper:

Today's indictment says Libby illegally obstructed the investigation into the White House outing of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame Wilson. The ongoing investigation of Karl Rove revolves around the same charge.

So why did the White House leak a CIA agent's name? To punish her husband, a former ambassador who had gone public with evidence that the Bush Administration lied about WMD and nuclear threats in the run-up to war in Iraq.

Here is a primer on what happened:

The 2003 Bush State of the Union: President Lies About Iraq Nuclear Capability

Why Did The President Ignore Wilson's Findings And Lie? It's About Iraq

Wilson Strikes Back—Exposes Bush's Lie In Lead-Up To War

White House Retaliates—Outs Valerie Plame Wilson As CIA Agent

Today's Indictment—White House Official Obstructed Investigation Into The Lie

The American people must know this important truth: Today's indictment is about a cover-up of the lies that led our nation to war in Iraq.

Please write a letter to the editor to remind people that this was crime against our entire nation, and could not be more serious. This letter tool makes it easy.


If you click on the link and input an zip code, newspapers in that area arise as does a box for US to send a letter to the editor....

PLEASE-PLEASE take two minutes to send a letter to the fact draw up on LTE then copy and paste it to a bunch of different newspapers.

We've done this in the past with great effectiveness.  The is NO need to register on that hideous site!  Yet we can use their tool to send our letters!

Here are some talking points:

1- Tell the media to REPORT the events, not create them.  The special prosecutor did not indict anyone for revealing the identity of a covert CIA say otherwise is misleading journalism.

2- Any insinuation that today's events had anything to do with the Iraq war is a complete lie.

3- Liberal hit squad- ask why Chuck Schumer, who pushed for this investigation, is not on the receiving end of an investigation after his office unlawfully ran credit reports on innocent citizens.

4- Remind them of the many lies of Joe Wilson

5- Tell them the MUST ask why the double standard- Bill Clinton and  Hillary Clinton were found to be lying under oath on NUMEROUS occasions yet were never criminally indicted!


Please.....if you have more talking points add them.

If there are any talented letter writers amongst us feel free to post your letter for others to copy and paste.



This e-mail from Moveon was previously posted but I am expressedly posting this to ask for conservative activism from Freepers computers!

1 posted on 10/28/2005 6:35:12 PM PDT by God luvs America
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To: God luvs America

I simply sent the entire TALKING POINTS list and the web link to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Hot Springs Sentinel Record, and a few other online sites.

just expose the communists for what they are is enough ..... for now.

2 posted on 10/28/2005 6:45:46 PM PDT by soltice
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To: God luvs America

It’s more than a little ironic that this pathetic group's name is derived from the notion that we should just move on from petty scandal mongering.

5 posted on 10/28/2005 7:45:35 PM PDT by Minn
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To: God luvs America
So why did the White House leak a CIA agent's name? To punish her husband, a former ambassador who had gone public with evidence that the Bush Administration lied about WMD and nuclear threats in the run-up to war in Iraq.

First, the White House did not leak the name. According to the prosecutor, the leak came from an employee in the Vice President's office. And IIRC, the VP's office is NOT in the White House.

Second, this witch hunt was supposed to be about who outed an already outed CIA "super-secret" agent. Interesting how they managed to pervert the investigation into WMD and the war in Iraq.

IMHO, this is a bunch of BS. Something else to briefly amuse the sheeple.

6 posted on 10/28/2005 9:16:14 PM PDT by upchuck (Seen it all, done it all. Unfortunately, remember very little of it. :))
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