If John Kerry had nominated Lawrence Tribe there would not have been a single Democrat-or liberal-ashamed of the choice.
The Democratic Party would not have to defend the paucity of scholarship on the part of Tribe.
What's more, the Democrats would not have experienced the political backlash generated by nominating someone who is so obviously unqualified for this position.
I am not a Democrat.
I am not a radical leftist.
I have veneration for the U.S. Constitution, and to me the law is a sacred, inviolable institution.
So to compare me-or others here-to a group that has no such respect for this nation's bedrock legal document is not only inapt, but is rather insulting.
So many of the Bush sycophants over the past week have invoked the damage being inflicted upon the Republican Party because of the turmoil caused by the Miers nomination.
Forget for a moment that President Bush is the one solely culpable for this dismal state of affairs.
What I want to make clear is that this trauma demonstrates that there is a significant number of conservatives-hopefully a majority-who aren't willing to renounce the values that they have spent their lifetimes cherishing and advocating in the public square merely in order to satisfy the parochial interests of one man.
From my perspective, that's something to be proud of.