Absolutely wrong.
I'm trying to understand (or postulate) why he was so negligent.
It is ridiculous to assert that he was sitting in a his LazyBoy eating Doritos as events unfolded on Friday through Sunday. He clearly was on the scene doing something, even if it was an inadequate something.
We know with 100 percent certainty from the June 9 2005 School Board minutes that the issue of school bus use in evacs was being discussed by officials from the School Board and the City. In June. So the issue was still not resolved - after years of discussion - as late as June 2005. 12 weeks before Katrina.
What I am thus holding-up as a possibility probability is that Nagin and many Orleans Parish School Board officials were collectively negligent for not deploying the school buses.
It is facile and not remotely believable to assert that only one or two public officials were responsible for this malfeasance. Many were negligent. I want to know who they are.
I'm trying to broaden the net of responsibility within the New Orleans city government. Seems like you're trying to narrow it to one or two scapegoats.
I agree with you....just seemed that you were defending the mayor a bit too vigorously.