does esm know about your dancing around the snowman? : )
Umm.. the 9 foot tall snowman called "Kong"?
Not yet.
Esme, where I used to live suffered 'traumatic snow conditions'.
And I, being the nicec guy that I am *coughs, dodges lightning bolt* decided to make the snow conditions less traumatic.
I made the snowmans base roughly four foot around.
The middle was three foot around.
And his head was two feet or so around.
And he stared across the street to the windows of the paranoid lady neighbor of mine.
And THEN I danced around him in shorts, a short sleeve shirt, and sneakers while chanting "KONG! KONG! KONG! KONG!"
Paranoid lady across the street ran through her house screaming that I was 'coming to GET her'.
She wasn't my type.