I have dinner plans and need to go now.
Among his invited guests were Americans from the Washington Times, Fox News and various other friendly places.
You know, people who actually support this country and want her to survive.
Noticably absent at this little soiree were members of the Hate America First Club such as the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Of course, liberal tongues are wagging about this "oversight". Hehehehe....
Can't you just imagine how much of a party it would have been if on the day U.S. proposals to revuse and reform the UN were announced to have a bunch of humorless liberals had been lurking around the receiving line. LOL
Rush words!
This is hilarious...
John Bolton, is having a reception at the private residence which the U.N. ambassador's which is the penthouse at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Hes having this reception tonight!
The Washington times, Fox News and various other conservatives will be there, but the Washington post, New Times have not been invited!
And their all upset oh Bolton he is a coward he doesnt have the guts to face the people who opposed him.
Wrong as usual he is snubbing you!
...there is more but you can see the similarities I only heard it once was doing other things at the time
It took place about 18 mins into the 3hour
I was not trying to be unkind to you or rude what ever you thought...I knew the essence what I heard outside of your personal touch!
I also have dyslexic and one of the things that has always helped me was my memory, which use to be sharp as tax, but since I been through chemo, for a few years I never thought it would return and I am feeling much better that much of my memory had been restorted!
I think it is amusing how close yet there diference of time! Now I don't know if Rush was taking this from someone who was their last night, and leaving in those words...like I said you and he must be listening to the same person!