Just to let you know that Ideaconjim just called and has booked me in for having all sugar tests done tommorow 9am eastern. I hate having blood taken, as I have very small rolling veins that they have a hard time working on. I always end up really bruised.
I loathe doctors, just loathe them, and I know he is right that I need to go, but It hasn't left me in the best of moods.
It's Deaconjim, not Ideaconjim! That "idiot" thought just got in the way of my typing! LOL
I sure am glad you're going to get your sugar seen about. I hate doctors too, but we don't want you getting sick. Diabeties is nothing to fool around with. Letting your sugar get that high does permanent cumulative damage. You gotta get it under control even if it means going on insulin. I'm sure Deaconjim is scared to death for you after what happened to his first wife. Both of you hang in there and we'll pray for you!
I am so glad to hear that you are going, keep us posted.
You'll survive:')