What is the greatest challenge to us as Christians in the 21st century? Is it rampant immorality? Is it divisive social issues? Is it increasing hostility toward God? Those are dangers, for sure, but I would venture to say that our biggest threat is religionreligion that draws us away from the gospel. Some religions openly oppose Christ, but others are more subtle. They use language Christians already know, giving their faith a familiar sound. Then they add to it their own twisted brand of thinking. If such groups sound Christian, how can we know if they are preaching "a different gospel"? (Galatians 1:6). Here are some false teachings to watch out for.
There are those who want to lead you into another gospel. Learn God's Word, so you won't be deceived. Dave Branon
We need to see the way; So if we learn what God has said, We'll not be led astray. Sper Apply yourself to the Scriptures and the Scriptures to yourself.
How To Identify A Dangerous Religious Group |
Thank you so much for the beautiful poem and graphic!