And too darn sober. was never about the was about taking half a dozen or more drunken teenagers in a roughly 1:1 ratio of boy to girl, and spending 90 minutes shouting at the screen and laughing your silly head off.
Followed by more of the same at an all-night diner.
From 1976 - 1985, I was never too darn sober. Not for five minutes.
My younger bro came up with the best ad-lib to the scripted yell-ats one night ... the scenes when they're in the pool, at the end of all the "Waiter, waiter, there's a fly in my soup" stuff. After the audience yells, "Waiter, waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup" (pause) "What do you want, a refund?" Bro takes a two-beat and yells into the silence, "No, salt and pepper."
The theater erupted, they laughed so hard at that! We had people coming up to us after the movie to slap him on the back, "Great line, can I use it next week?" LOL!!