See my post # 1109
It's front page local LsGrange paper. I emailed ed least nite - she has talked with all participants. 2 page story.
This makes it as legit as it can be...time to strike all over. RE contact everyone - Bois, Sean, Hannity, FOX - it's no longer just us pajama mamas and fellers - and World Net....
But we have to STRIKE right now - because the paper's a daily - might not have anything tomorrow.
Let's Roll - Mae's hungry!
(email I just sent to ed of paper: "Andrea Lovejoy, Editor
LaGrange Daily News
Dear Ms. Lovejoy:
Yesterday I emailed you regarding the Mae Magouirk struggle. I am pleased to see your front page story today. THANK YOU!
We are all hoping his will make the difference for Mae.
Thank you again,
sincerely, "
I tried my local radio host whom had argued for the death of Terry, he wouldn't take my call, go figure.
My plague comment was geared more towards TV, not many people outside of lagrange will see the front page, but its a huge start! Good job and I keep mailing! :)