Yes, but you have it backwards. This case is total gov't interference. In demanding privacy rights including the right to kill the unwanted, the appeal was made to gov't. Big mistake, and one repeated over and over. What do you think the courts are? Who is the healthcare system the agent for? For you? Take another look.
I thought conservatives fought for the the sanctity of marriage?
Does the healthcare system trump the rights of a husband?
I need an answer from you. A yes or a no. Don't duck or dodge my question.
Does the healthcare system trump the rights of a husband?
Liberals claim the health care system trumps parent's rights when a child wants a condom. That's what you're doing. Rights are in place to be defended.
Liberals grind down the system of rights so they create large government agencies; you're grinding down the rights of married couples so you can insert your religious views. There's no difference.
If you truly believe in the sanctity of marriage you have no choice but to display it in this case.
Help support the sanctity of marriage by defending Michael Schiavo's rights.
You are so confused it's become comical.