"Keep hitting"? In reviewing this thread, I have posted exactly once, and that post consisted of two short sentences. Get a grip.
As for why I replied, I was trying to *supply* useful information, which you apparently do not want.
Specifically, your friend believes he's losing some sales due to not accepting credit/debit cards, and he's probably right. I am one of those people who almost always use a check card to pay when I go out to eat. I have literally turned around and left a local restaurant because they had a sign on the door saying 'no credit cards,' not out of spite, but because I had no cash & didn't care to bother with writing a personal check (assuming they'd accept one). So the spending habits of a person like me would seem to be of some relevance to your friend's situation, right? Apparently you don't think so.
IMO, the convenience benefit of accepting credit cards would be partially cancelled out by requiring tips in cash, since I'd still have to check to see if I had adequate cash before going in.
Fine. Someday you'll really need to have cash on you, and I'm sure your explanation of "simply not having 4-5 dollars in cash" will get you out of whatever the jam is.
I would love to hear what hypothetical situation I'd really need $4 for.
No one in this household is ever without his or her "emergency twenty,"
I don't think tipping qualifies as an emergency.
I'm not literally asking for a response, but I do wonder how you pay for things like a coffee that's $1.25, or a bagel with cream cheese for $1.99.
Typically, if I don't have the cash, I don't buy such items. Is that hard to grasp?
I never said tipping was an emergency. I said, our family members always have some cash on them. The "spending habits" of outliers like you are of no interest to me or or any other person in a small business. From what you've said, I'm betting you're one of those customers who's "just not worth it." You're likely one of those persons who always has to make his point. And you probably feel superior walking away from an establishment that didn't somehow meet your standards. Wondering...do friends and family members ever say, Come on, can't we just eat, and Please don't make a scene?
And yet you go on. I keep saying, we're looking for practical information. And you keep responding with YOUR customer worldview. I don't care about it, nor does my worthy friend.