Theres a big unknown here: Were he and his dog holding up traffic. I live on an island with an 18 mile two lane road to the mainland, and weekly deal with the effects of one slow vehicle. So for the sake of this scenario, lets say the traffic was impacted a little behind him, and open in front. And lets say I somehow knew the building was going to collapse in minutes when I came upon him as a traffic problem.
I have no way of knowing what Id have the courage and on the spot sense to do, but heres what I think I should do. Id look for an area that I could pull him out of the way. Id explain to him that he was killing women and children by going so slow, and walk down with him only if he could keep up with the flow. Otherwise, Id stay with him and suffer what I asked of him.
If he didnt agree, Id do something that would make you certain that I was heartless.