Thanks! Your so lucky, I'm jealous. I think I have at least a month or more before we see 65 degrees.
Sounds like your Chickadee may be putting a nest together. I love that time of year!
I have a barn swallow nest in the eaves over my front door. Not really convinient, but I won't let my husband knock it down:) Barn swallows have come to it now for 3 or 4 years and raised a family in it.
It's so much fun to watch. One year I just happen to catch the babies first flying lesson.
There were about 5 of them in the nest, very crowded. Mom and dad were sitting on an electric line that goes across our front yard, calling to the babies. The babies all had their heads hangin out the nest hollering back,,,"Come, come come"...."No, no, no" I noticed what was going on and sat down to watch.
Finally one took the leap. Just flung himself out, swooped down, and then went up and landed on the roof of the house. He sat there awhile, before making it out to the wire where mom was.
They all made it out that day, I worried about them:)
That night they all came back, but only 3 managed to get back in the nest. The others sat on the edge of the roof all night.
It was a very cool thing to watch. I always wonder if it's the kids coming back each year, or the parents having another family.
I'll get pictures of the nest. I don't know it I'll be able to get a picture where the birds show. But I've noticed the last few days, there is activity in the nest. I'm not sure if it's the swallows. Sometimes sparrows take it over.